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the grace artinya

contoh kalimat "the grace"
  • the grace
  • He is realised through the grace of the True Guru.
    Dia menjelmakan dirinya dalam bentuk Cahaya.
  • And in Christianity, the grace comes from the divine.
    Dan dalam kekristenan, anugerah berasal dari ilahi.
  • "There, but for the grace of God, go I. "
    "Disana, tapi kemurahan Tuhan, pergikah aku?"
  • There but for the grace of God, right?
    Takdir manusia ada di tangan Tuhan, bukan begitu?
  • It's a diagram of the grace, sister ship of Solace.
    Sebuah diagram kehormatan, anak kapal Solace.
  • "There but for the grace of God," you know?
    "Yang ada hanya karunia Tuhan," kalian paham?
  • Through this holy anointment... love and mercy... with...?with the grace... may the...?may the
    Melalui pemberkatan minyak suci
  • There is nothing free, except the grace of God.
    Tak ada yang gratis, kecuali ampunan dari Tuhan.
  • I started this mission with the grace of Allah.
    Bismillah hirrohman nirrohim. Assalamualaikum warohmatullah hiwabarokatu.
  • Feel the Grace of the Lord coming down on you.
    Rasakan kasih karunia Tuhan yang turun kepadamu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5